Please see the 2:05 dismissal schedule below. All students will be on this schedule until further notice.
over 4 years ago, Samantha Dix
2:05 dismissal
REMINDER: starting today, all A/B group students in grades K-4 will be transitioning to Monday-Thursday in person learning. All students will be dismissed at 2:05 pm.
over 4 years ago, Samantha Dix
Students in Quarantine: If your child has been sent home for any COVID-19 related symptoms and has to be away from school for any number of days, please be advised that school work and participation is still expected. Students/parents should be calling in the morning to report their attendance, logging into their google classrooms, joining any scheduled Zoom meetings, and completing any classwork/homework. If there are struggles/problems with completing the work, please communicate with the teacher by email, phone, or message. Thank you! We look forward to having all of our students back with us very soon.
over 4 years ago, Odin Public Schools
Reminder: today is picture day for Group B. Remote students may have their picture taken today between 9 and 11 am, parents please stay outside. If your child/ children are out due to being quarantined their picture will be taken on retake day. If you are paying for picture packets, please send the correct change and order form WITH YOUR STUDENT upon arrival to school.
over 4 years ago, Samantha Dix
We would like to congratulate Mrs. Sherry Williams on her retirement! 25 years of service, countless lives touched! Sherry, you will be greatly missed!
over 4 years ago, Samantha Dix
Sherry Williams 1
Sherry Williams 2
Today is the last day for High School students to apply for Student Council! More applications are needed! Click the link below to access the application:
over 4 years ago, Sarah Loepker
Reminder: today is picture day for Group A. Remote students may choose to have your picture taken today or Thursday between 9 and 11 am, parents please stay outside. If your child/ children are out due to being quarantined their picture will be taken on retake day. If you are paying for picture packets, please send the correct change and order form WITH YOUR STUDENT upon arrival to school.
over 4 years ago, Samantha Dix
PICTURE DAY TOMORROW Group A pictures will be taken tomorrow, September 23rd. Seniors, Lifetouch will not have the tux or drapes so plan accordingly. All remote students may choose to have your picture taken tomorrow or Thursday between 9 and 11 am, parents please stay outside. If your child/ children are out due to being quarantined their picture will be taken on retake day.
over 4 years ago, Denise Wolf
Please see the letter on the school's Facebook page, website, and app regarding students transitioning to 4 days in person learning. Please note that if your student rides a bus, you may want to consider bringing/picking them up, as there will now be more students riding.
over 4 years ago, Samantha Dix
Transition back to in person learning
Thank you to everyone who came out for our 1st blood drive of the year. 11 units were collected! Remember: the more units we collect, the more scholarship money our student council members receive! Next blood drive is December 4th-mark your calendars!
over 4 years ago, Sarah Loepker
The blood drive starts NOW! See you at the Odin First Christian Church for your blood donation! Visit for a last minute appointment. COVID-19 antibody testing will also be available if you're interested!
over 4 years ago, Sarah Loepker
Extra order forms are available in the entryway of the school. If you would like to order online the school picture day code is EVTG4QFNJ
over 4 years ago, Denise Wolf
picture day
Junior High Parents- Please check Dojo for information regarding Parent/Teacher Conferences.
over 4 years ago, Samantha Dix
Group A pictures will be taken on Wednesday, Sept 23. Group B pictures will be taken on Thursday, Sept 24. Remote Students can come on either day from 9 - 11 AM. Parents of remote students please wait outside for your child, once their picture has been taken we will release them. If you child/ children are in quarantine, their picture will be taken on retake day.
over 4 years ago, Denise Wolf
Reminder: The Blood Drive is TODAY! Schedule your appointment online at (code OdinPS). Thank you to Odin First Christian Church for allowing us to use their facilities for our drive. We will see all the donors between 1:00 and 5:00 p.m. today!
over 4 years ago, Sarah Loepker
COVID Guidelines Reference
over 4 years ago, Samantha Dix
COVID Guidelines
Blood Drive: Monday, Sept. 21st is our first blood drive of the year! If you are willing and able to give, please visit and enter the code OdinPS to schedule your appointment. Appointments are available between 1:00 and 5:00 p.m. at Odin First Christian Church. If you are age 16, you will need a parent permission form. Please pick those up in the main office. Thank you!
over 4 years ago, Sarah Loepker
Reminder: ALL students MUST be checked in through TeacherEase for daily attendance on Remote Learning Days. If your student is not checked in for the day, they will be given an unexcused absence. Students with 8 or more unexcused absences may be referred to the Regional Office of Education for truancy. Directions for daily check in can be found at
over 4 years ago, Samantha Dix
Please see our News Story at regarding the 2020 Census.
over 4 years ago, Samantha Dix
Hey Seniors! You can now order your cap/gown, as well as other graduation products, online! Check out the Balfour shop at
over 4 years ago, Samantha Dix