Our Back to School Pool Party is quickly approaching. We hope to see all students and their families at the Salem Aquatic Center on August 10th. The party is from 7:30-9:00 p.m. All students in attendance will be entered to win a backpack full of supplies! See you soon!
over 3 years ago, Sarah Loepker
JUST A REMINDER…The Athletic Informational Meeting for any student athlete is tonight in the school library at 6:30 pm. ALL athletes must have a physical on file before starting any practices.
over 3 years ago, Jeff Burton
Coaches and staff would like to congratulate one of our own Odin, Eagles, Anthony Buonaura. He will be playing in the Cold World Series this weekend in Marion, IL. CONGRATULATIONS AND GOOD LUCK, Anthony!!!!!
over 3 years ago, Kimberly Briggs
Anthony Buonaura
Reminder: Registration is happening until 6pm TODAY. Students will not be allowed to start the school year until all enrollment forms have been completed by a parent or guardian. Also, Odin Heathcare is at registration with FREE school supplies! Even if you attended registration yesterday, feel free to stop by!
over 3 years ago, Samantha Dix
ODIN PSD #722 POSITION AVAILABLE!!! Special Education Teacher Please send a letter of interest and resume to Kimberly Briggs, Superintendent. Kbriggs@odinpublicschools.org
over 3 years ago, Kimberly Briggs
Mr. Murphy and Ms. Schwartz have been working hard this summer to update some of the athletic facilities for our students and community! Check out the new wall pads, scorers table, door graphics, and the freshly painted wall sign. Also, you will see the new branding they have come up with for this year. They and we can’t wait for the community to come in, cheer on our Eagles, and enjoy the new gym this upcoming school year! We would also like to thank Sports Graphics for coming in and giving our school the updates that it so much deserves. Go Eagles! 🦅 #SameTraditionNewOpportunities
over 3 years ago, Raigen Schwartz
before after
before after
Registration starts tomorrow! We are excited to announce that Mrs. Haarmann is returning to Odin Public School District as the new Director of Student Services! We are asking that if possible, ALL high school students please attend registration WITH their parent/guardian so that they can meet with Mrs. Haarmann and go over their schedule. Chromebooks and lockers will also be assigned to 6th-12th grade students at registration.
over 3 years ago, Samantha Dix
Practice for Jr High Baseball will start Monday August 2nd from 5-7pm at Patoka City park….this is open to students in grades 5-8….all kids must have updated physical on file at the school in order to participate…any questions please contact coach Walker at 322-6940
over 3 years ago, Samantha Dix
This is from Sandoval HS golf coach: High school golfers. Official practice starts Aug 2nd. If you or anyone you know is playing please see schedule attached below. You MUST have a physical to play sports and must have it by Aug 2nd to start practices!!!
over 3 years ago, Jeff Burton
ATHLETIC INFORMATIONAL MEETING: Any student wanting to participate in any sport this year needs to attend this meeting on WEDNESDAY, JULY 28 at 6:30-7:00 in the school library. Just a reminder that all athletes MUST have a physical on file at the school before he/she begins practice. Information about the upcoming sports season will be handed out to all athletes at the meeting.
over 3 years ago, Jeff Burton
over 3 years ago, Samantha Dix
food fair
REMINDER: Registration will be from 12pm- 6pm on the following dates: • Tuesday, July 27th • Wednesday, July 28th Students MUST have required physicals and immunizations BEFORE they will be allowed to start school. Please see the list of requirements by grade level that is posted on our website and Facebook page for more information. All students in the Odin School District will need to register regardless of previous enrollment. It is very important that EVERY family attend registration. Students will NOT be allowed to start the school year until all paperwork has been completed by a parent-guardian and turned in.
over 3 years ago, Samantha Dix
health requirements
REMINDER: Proof of residency must be provided for ANY STUDENT entering kindergarten, who is new to the district, who has changed addresses since last school year, or has not previously provided it to the school. ALL documents are due at registration. Registration will be from 12pm- 6pm on the following dates: • Tuesday, July 27th • Wednesday, July 28th All students in the Odin School District will need to register regardless of previous enrollment. It is very important that EVERY family attend registration. Students will NOT be allowed to start the school year until all paperwork has been completed by a parent-guardian and turned in.
over 3 years ago, Samantha Dix
proof of residency
For those students interested in playing Junior High Softball, practice will begin Tuesday, August 3rd from 10-11:30 a.m. The team will practice from 10-11:30 a.m. each day until school starts. Once school has started practice will be every day from 3:30-5:00 p.m. Please bring your own glove, cleats, and any other equipment you may own. You must have an updated sports physical, a concussion form filled out, and the back of the school handbook signed. These forms and documents MUST be on file with the school BEFORE the first practice. (You can take care of these items at registration next week) Contact Coach Schwartz or Coach Loepker with any questions!
over 3 years ago, Sarah Loepker
Registration for the 2021-2022 school year is coming up fast!
over 3 years ago, Samantha Dix
Preschool registration
21-22 registration
Thank you to everyone that came out to welcome Mrs. Briggs, Mr. Marcum, and their families to Odin School!
over 3 years ago, Samantha Dix
Briggs and Marcum
admin with family
Reminder: TOMORROW, the Odin Public School District Board of Education will be hosting a Reception/Meet and Greet from 2:00 PM -4:00 PM to welcome Superintendent, Mrs. Briggs, and Principal, Mr. Marcum, to Odin. Please feel free to stop by the community building located at 108 East Kirkwood St. in Odin for some refreshments, to introduce yourself, and welcome them to the community.
over 3 years ago, Samantha Dix
Position Available! PART-TIME CUSTODIAN- 4 hrs per day/20 hrs per week. It is preferred applicant have skills in the area of custodial and general maintenance. Wage starts $13.50/hr. (based on experience). Persons interested in applying should send a letter of interest/resume to Kimberly Briggs, Superintendent, 102 South Merritt St. Odin, IL 62870 or via email to kbriggs@odinpublicschools.org by July 30, 2021.
over 3 years ago, Samantha Dix
On Sunday, October 3rd at 2:15 p.m. join Illinois FFA as the St. Louis Cardinals take on the Chicago Cubs! The following expectations are a must to attend: -Current FFA member (taking an Ag Class makes you an FFA Member) -Parent of an FFA member -Odin FFA Alumni/Supporter -Responsible for paying for own ticket - $40 -Children Ages 3 and under do not require a ticket. -Ticket Location - Right Field Pavilion; Section 331-334 -There will be a designated pick-up ticket area at Busch Stadium -Responsible for own food and merchandise -Responsible for own Transportation (TBD) If you would like to attend please fill out this Google Form (https://forms.gle/d6uoba3tmrXpeR5z6) by this Friday, July 15th. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Capps at wcapps@odinpublicschools.org.
over 3 years ago, Wyatt Capps
IL FFA Day with the STL Cardinals
2021-2022 School Supply Lists
over 3 years ago, Samantha Dix
21-22 HS supply list
21-22 JH supply list
21-22 Elementary supply list