Position Available! PART-TIME CAFETERIA WORKER- 3-4 hrs per day. Previous experience preferred. Wage is $13.00/hr. Persons interested in applying should send a letter of interest/resume to Kimberly Briggs, Superintendent, 102 South Merritt St. Odin, IL 62870 or via email to kbriggs@odinpublicschools.org
over 3 years ago, Samantha Dix
GIRLS SOFTBALL TODAY! Game will start at 4:30 p.m. an d the buss will leave at 3:30.
over 3 years ago, Kimberly Briggs
ATTENTION ALL 8th Grade & High School Ag Students, 8th Grade & High School Ag Students' Parents/Guardian, and Community Members!! Odin FFA Community Night is being held on September 2, 2021 from 6-7:15 PM in the Odin Gym. This night is an informational event to learn what opportunities there are for students, parents, & the community in the FFA. Students will learn about competitions, conferences, scholarships, & great memories they will make. Parents/Community will learn the about the opportunities on how they can support and promote agriculture education and the FFA at the local, state, and national levels. Dinner will also be provided. If you are interested in attending this event, please use the link to register for the event: https://forms.gle/anF8k1CY3LpB7rkU7 We can't wait to see you all there!
over 3 years ago, Wyatt Capps
FFA Community Night
Can't wait to see everyone tonight at open house from 6-7. Please remember to follow the mandate by wearing your mask. You will not be able to attend unless you wear a mask. Thank you!
over 3 years ago, Quinton Marcum
If you have not turned in required school health forms or registered for school, you must do so by 3PM today. Students who do not have the required forms returned, will NOT be allowed to start school tomorrow. Forms will NOT be accepted and registration will NOT be available before, during, or after open house this evening.
over 3 years ago, Samantha Dix
Mark your calendars! The first blood drive of the 21-22 school year hosted by the HS Student Council will be Tuesday, August 24th in the Little Gym at the school! Blood Drive appointments are available from 1-5:00 p.m. and be scheduled online by going to redcrossblood.org and entering 62870 to find our drive listed. Schedule your appointment and you're done. We hope to see many available donors at our first drive as the American Red Cross is in high need of blood at this time.
over 3 years ago, Sarah Loepker
Help Save a Life ARC
We would like to congratulate Private Braden Kelly, son of Bill and Melissa Kelly and Class of 2021, graduated from 2nd Battalion, 39th Infantry in Fort Jackson, South Carolina on August 12. He will be heading for AIT in Ft. Leonard Wood, Missouri. We are very proud of you, Braden!
over 3 years ago, Wyatt Capps
Private Braden Kelly.3
Private Braden Kelly
Private Braden Kelly.2
Private Braden Kelly.4
Baseball practice on Thursday and Friday at 6 pm. If you want to play come join practice. Cut off Friday.
over 3 years ago, Kimberly Briggs
RETURN TO SCHOOL PLAN: https://www.odinpublicschools.org/article/510156 Sincerely, Mrs. Briggs Superintendent
over 3 years ago, Kimberly Briggs
Odin boys baseball will be practicing at 6:00pm on Thursday (8/12) and Friday (8/13). Friday will be the last day to make the team!
over 3 years ago, Grant Carman
ATTENTION- if you have not completed registration paperwork or provided the proof of residency that was requested at registration, you must do so by 3:30 TODAY. Students will NOT be picked up by the bus or allowed to attend school until all registration paperwork and required documents are provided to the school.
over 3 years ago, Samantha Dix
ODIN PSD #722 POSITIONS AVAILABLE!!! -Paraprofessional -Junior High Girl's Basketball Coach Please send a letter of interest and resume to Kimberly Briggs, Superintendent. kbriggs@odinpublicschools.org
over 3 years ago, Samantha Dix
The Pool Party IS STILL ON! We hope to see you all at the Salem Aquatic Center at 7:30. Stay tuned for changes!
over 3 years ago, Sarah Loepker
The junior high girls softball game that was scheduled for this afternoon against Franklin Park has been CANCELED!
over 3 years ago, Sarah Loepker
There will be a meeting Friday August 13th 10am at Odin school for any Odin high school student wanting to cheer this year. It will be a short meeting just to get names and numbers. If you can’t make the meeting please contact Stacie Roberts.
over 3 years ago, Samantha Dix
TONIGHT is the Back to School Pool Party at the Salem Aquatic Center! Join us from 7:30 to 9:00 pm for one last splash before the school year begins. Admission is FREE and all those students in attendance will be entered to win one of 6 backpacks full of all the supplies you will need! Can't wait to see you all there!
over 3 years ago, Sarah Loepker
Open House will be held on Monday, August 16th from 6-7 PM. Please come by to bring supplies, get schedules, meet the teachers, new administration and ask any questions you may have.
over 3 years ago, Quinton Marcum
Junior High Baseball practice for today has been canceled.
over 3 years ago, Samantha Dix
Next week Tuesday is our Back to School Pool Party! Join us at the Salem Aquatic Center from 7:30-9:00 for some fun before school begins. All those in attendance will be entered to win one of 6 backpacks full of school supplies! Admission is FREE.
over 3 years ago, Sarah Loepker
Positions Available!!!!! SPECIAL EDUCATION TEACHER FULL-TIME MAINTENANCE/CUSTODIAN Please send application/resume to Kimberly Briggs, Superintendent, kbriggs@odinpublicschools.org
over 3 years ago, Kimberly Briggs