Rescheduled Volleyball Games: TUESDAY, March 1 at KELL. C game at 5:15. Bus leaves at 4:35 pm. THURSDAY, March 10 at HOME vs Semaville. C game at 3:45, JV starts 4:14 pm.
almost 3 years ago, Kimberly Briggs
Snowball practice will be on Wednesday , March 2nd in the main gym from 5:30-7:30 for members of the court.
almost 3 years ago, Quinton Marcum
This week is Dr. Seuss Week! Here are the themes we will be doing for this special week: Monday: Fox in socks day- Wear your craziest socks! Tuesday: Thing 1 and Thing 2 Day: Wear red or blue like thing one or thing two! Wednesday: Wacky Wednesday: Wear your craziest hairstyle! Thursday: Green Eggs and Ham day: Wear green! Friday: I can read with my eyes shut day: Wear a shirt that you can read! Please be creative and we will post some great pictures on our Facebook page.
almost 3 years ago, Quinton Marcum
DUE TO WEATHER CONDITIONS THERE WILL BE AN E-LEARNING DAY ASYNCHRONOUS ON FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 25th FOR ODIN PSD#722 Please sign in & complete assignments - google meets at teacher discretion, email teachers for any questions.
almost 3 years ago, Kimberly Briggs
Dear Odin PSD #722 Community:
almost 3 years ago, Kimberly Briggs
As a clarification, please check students in for e-learning as usual (pre-k-2) using teacher ease. It is ready at this time. Thank you and be safe today.
almost 3 years ago, Quinton Marcum
On Thursday, February 24, all sporting events and practices are canceled due to inclement weather.
almost 3 years ago, Kimberly Briggs
School will run on the 2:15 bell schedule for e-learning tomorrow. Be safe out there!
almost 3 years ago, Quinton Marcum
DUE TO WEATHER CONDITIONS THERE WILL BE AN E-LEARNING DAY ON THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24th FOR ODIN PSD#722 Grades 3-12 please sign-in for attendance by 8:20, refer to google classroom/packet, and email if you have questions..
almost 3 years ago, Kimberly Briggs
Dear Odin PSD #722 Community:
almost 3 years ago, Kimberly Briggs
Orders are due Thursday, February 24. If you would like to order strawberries please make sure to order from an FFA member or Mr. Capps.
almost 3 years ago, Wyatt Capps
Our Blood Drive is happening NOW! Want to grab a last minute appointment? Visit and enter code 62870 to schedule or walk on in! We are here until 5:00 p.m. today! Every donation gets our Student Council students closer to more scholarship money! Thank you & happy TWOSDAY!
almost 3 years ago, Sarah Loepker
Changes for Jr High Volleyball: **Thursday, February 24 we have added a C match at 3:30 and JV will start @ 4:15p… **The snowed out game at KELL is rescheduled for Tuesday, March 1, C match @ 5:20p & JV @ 6:00 with varsity to follow. Bus will depart @4:40p
almost 3 years ago, Jeff Burton
Sports pictures are Tuesday, February 22nd. All athletes must have their uniform for pictures. Pictures can be ordered online at with Picture Day ID: EVTQ2M43V
almost 3 years ago, Denise Wolf
Congratulations to our 2022 Patoka- Odin seniors!
almost 3 years ago, Samantha Dix
senior night
Reminder: Tuesday, February 22nd is Spring and Sports Picture Day. You may view packages and order online at using picture ID: EVTRK7VZ6.
almost 3 years ago, Samantha Dix
This is a quick reminder that on Tuesday (2/22/2022) we are encouraging students to dress up with two (to, too, tutu?) themed dress. We will also be having a 2 minute dance party at 2:22 in the afternoon. We will see you on Tuesday! Thank you!
almost 3 years ago, Quinton Marcum
National FFA Week is February 19-26, 2022! We will celebrate starting Tuesday, February 22! Here are the dress up days and activities for the week. Fun Fact - National FFA Week can be celebrated by anyone. Mr. Capps & FFA members would love to see ALL Jr. High & High School students & staff participating next week. #odinffa #ffaweek22 #eaglesnest
almost 3 years ago, Wyatt Capps
National FFA Week ‘22
This weekend is the annual 3rd and 4th grade tournament here at Odin School. There will be a free throw competition, shoot out and all-star game in addition to the tournament. Games start at 5 tonight and 9 on Saturday. Have a great weekend!
almost 3 years ago, Quinton Marcum
Due to potential ice/sleet mix this afternoon, Odin PSD #722 will dismiss at 1:30 and Pre-K at 1:00 p.m. There will be no tutoring today. ALL sporting events and practices are canceled.
almost 3 years ago, Kimberly Briggs