We are currently experiencing phone issues. If you need to contact the school, please email Ms. Sam at sdix@odinpublicschools.org or you may text Mrs. Loepker at 504-356-2231.
Meal distribution will resume next week starting Tuesday, January 19th. Meals will be sent home with anyone who completes the Food Assistance Form. Meals (breakfast and lunch) are sent home with your student for the following day of remote learning. This same process is for Action Packs. Action Packs will be sent home on Wednesdays and Thursdays for anyone who completes the Food Assistance Form.
Complete the digital Food Assistance form by clicking the link below:
Reminder: We will be returning to our Hybrid Schedule starting Monday, January 11th with a 2:05 dismissal. Group A will attend in person on Mondays and Wednesdays. Group B will attend in person on Tuesdays and Thursdays. If you do not remember what group your student is in, please call the school at 618-775-8266 by 3:30pm today.
Attention ALL parents: OPS would like to assist you with food needs for the Spring semester through 2 different programs. If you previously were signed up for meals on remote days or action packs on the weekend, we need you to complete this form AGAIN. If you have never received assistance from either program, sign-up is now open! Please complete the Google Form in the link below. You response before Thursday the 14th is much appreciated.
Picture Retake Day Update: Picture retakes will be Tuesday, January 19th(Group B Students) and Wednesday, January 20th(Group A Students). If your student did not have their picture taken in the fall, they will be photographed on retake day for the yearbook. If you would like to order a picture package, you may do so at https://my.lifetouch.com/mylifetouch/?_ga=2.111996934.345417304.1609944313-681683761.1599063160#/ The Picture Day ID is EVTHZ4NH2
Updated IDPH Frequently Asked Questions can now be found under the COVID 19 Resources page on the school website. https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/1063560/IDPH-School-FAQs.pdf
One main takeaway: Per Marion County Health Dept. the shortened quarantine time DOES NOT apply to our school district.
Teachers are contacting the students that need to be scheduled to come to school to catch up on work this week. Parents, please check emails, Dojo, and Remind for messages from teachers. Teachers will not be assigning new work this week. However, all students will need to check in for attendance through TeacherEase, Tuesday (1/5/2021)- Friday (1/8/2021). Our hybrid schedule will resume on Monday, January 11, 2021 with a 2:05 dismissal. Students MUST be checked in for attendance on the days that they are remote.
Reminder: Struggling students will be invited back on Tuesday, Jan 5. Teachers will be contacting students tomorrow if they need to come in. A/B days start on Jan 11. Will will continue to dismiss at 2:05.
Parents should call school if their student has been exposed to COVID during the break.
This video was made by Macz Funeral Home to shine a spotlight on a handful of local #heros that have helped our communities, and the families that we serve, during a most challenging year. Take a look, you are sure to see some familiar faces!
The winners of Ms. Schwartz’s Skully on the Shelf competition this year were:
Kyle Friend
Kanon Moore
Jada Simpson
Tylan Ayers
Colton Pratt
Jacey Wilkins
Great job everyone and thank you to everyone who participated this year in her classes! 🎅🏼💀
Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Picture re-takes will be Tuesday, January 12th ( "B" day students), and Wednesday, January 13th ("A" day students). More information to come.
Reminder: Christmas Break is from Wednesday, Dec. 23- Sunday, Jan. 3rd. You do not need to check you student in for attendance during the break. School will resume on Monday, Jan. 4th. Please see the letter from Mr. Alli that is posted on our website and Facebook page regarding returning to school after the holiday break.
Mrs. Clause is looking forward to seeing all of her highschoolers! 🤶🏻
ATTENTION all highschool students and the town of Odin! Be on the lookout today for a yellow school bus! The highschool teachers are passing out little surprises to all of our students today! Who can snap the best pic of them?? 🎅🏼🎄
Our incentive winners this week are as follows:
1st Grade-Olivia Greathouse
2nd Grade-Raelee Burdine
3rd Grade-Madison Long
4th Grade-Chelsey Haines
JH-Kyler Hodge
HS-Lexi Smith
Congratulations to these and all the hardworking students out there! These students earned a gift card for having NO missing assignments for the week of 12/14-12/18. Your teachers will be mailing you your gift cards-yay for happy mail!
Looking for a holiday activity to do with the whole family? Check out The View: The Drive-In Theater's event at Centralia High School tomorrow. Dr. Seuss's How the Grinch Stole Christmas will be playing!
Students who had originally signed up to go all remote at the beginning of the year may transition back to in-person learning in the second semester. If you are wanting to come for in-person learning , please call the school at 775-8266.
There will be no high school semester exams.
Today is our final meal distribution day for 2020. These meal packs will include meals for next Monday and Tuesday. This will also be our last Action Pack distribution for 2020. Both will be available for pickup from 11AM-12PM at Odin School.
We had a lot of hard working students last week! The following students had NO missing work and everything turned in on time which earned them a gift card! Join us in congratulating:
Addelyn Gonzalez (1)
Colten Finley (2)
Seth Richardson (3)
Wyatt Edwards (4)
Maya Griffith (JH)
Tylan Ayres (HS)
Students if you want to earn a gift card, turn in all your work by Friday and have no missing work to be entered to win! Keep up the great work, everyone!
TODAY is a meal distribution day! Regular meal packs AND action packs will be available for pickup in the main lobby between 11 and 12 today.