8th Grade cap and gown order forms are coming home today! Cost is $32 per student. Please send exact change or checks made out to Jostens. Return to Mrs. Haarmann ASAP. Thanks!
On Friday, Mrs. Frederick used cooking to teach the distributive property and made a difficult lesson way more fun. The kids had a blast and did math all day!
Sand Volleyball Info is below. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Mr. Capps by email at wcapps@odinpublicschools.org or by calling the school, or asking a senior.
We would love to see all of you out and supporting our seniors!
Due to wet field conditions, the HS Ballgame that was scheduled to be played today at Odin has been canceled.
Due to wet field conditions, the HS Baseball and HS Softball games that were scheduled to be played today at Weber/Wayne City have been canceled.
Just a reminder that Thursday is the Book Fair Grandparents’ Lunch from 10:15 to 12:30 and our Family Shopping Event from 4:00 to 7:30.
Prom Coronation will be held in the school’s gym at 5 PM on Saturday, April 2, 2022. There will be an admissions fee for coronation. The prices are as follows:
$2 - Adults
$1 - Students
We all can’t wait to celebrate with you on this Enchanted evening!
There's a national blood shortage in America. Our Student Council is partnering with Red Cross to help! Our next blood drive will be April 20, 2022 in the little gym here at school. Visit redcrossblood.org and enter 62870 to find our drive and schedule your appointment.
Student Council and patients everywhere appreciate your donation! Can't donate? Would you mind sharing our information?
Wednesday Prom Dress Up Day is Country vs Country Club. Let’s see either the boots and camo, or the preppy outfits!
The Grandparents’ Lunch will be Thursday, March 31st. Pre K and Kindergarten will go to lunch at 10:15, First and Second at 10:30, and Third, Fourth, and Fifth at 10:45. Enjoy lunch with your grandchild and then come shop the Book Fair.
If you haven’t sent in your lunch reservation slip, please do so as soon as possible.
The Book Fair will be open on Thursday evening from 4:00 - 7:30 p.m. for students and families to shop. Enter through the north doors.
All at-school Book Fair shopping needs to be completed by 1:00 Friday, April 1st.
Tomorrow is ✨Disney Day✨ Fill the high school halls with all of our favorite Disney characters!
We had more students than any other quarter join the 25 point club for Accelerated Reader this time, so they got a special treat. Mrs. Ellis planned to have DQ brought in! Congrats students and keep it up!
-REMINDER: Students who are bringing a guest to prom that does not attend Odin School, MUST have a Guest Permission Form completed and turned in to the office by Thursday, March 31st. Forms are available outside of the main office.
-Heather Smith will be providing prom photography. Pictures will be taken immediately followed by Coronation. Please see order forms for more information. Forms are available outside of the main office.
Book Fair Week Information:
Grandparents lunch this Thursday:
-Pre-k, Kindergarten- 10:15
-1-2nd grade- 10:30
-3-5th grade 10:45
Please come to the main entrance, lunch is $3.
Family night for pre-k-8 is Thursday at 4:30
We look forward to seeing you there!
Mrs. Kell has the library looking great for Book Fair Week!
Tomorrow starts off 2022 Prom Week with our first dress up day - Future Job! Let’s see those nurses, teachers, HVAC, welders, and many more throughout the high school.
Tuesday, March 22 four FFA members participated in the Section 21 Public Speaking LDE at Kaskaskia College. Areas students competed in were:
- FFA Creed Speaking: Alanis Luchtefeld and Jalynn Moore
- JV Prepared: Tyler Bivens
- JV Extemporaneous: Hailey Knox
Congratulations to Tyler Bivens on placing 3rd in his respected area!
Start stretching now, Odin community members! The Senior class is hosting the 2nd Annual Sand Volleyball Tournament! Start putting your teams together now! We are still pending a date, but we are shooting for April 10! Teams are $10 per player with a 5 player minimum. Be on the lookout for more information coming Monday. We hope to see you there!
Due to wet field conditions, the HS Baseball and HS Softball games that were scheduled to be played at Mulberry Grove today have been canceled.
Baseball and softball have been cancelled for today, thank you.