Make sure to mark your student present for e learning on teacher ease.
Thank you
Due to Odin Schools being cancelled... The HS F/S , JrH Boys and Girls basketball games scheduled for tomorrow (Wednesday) night are cancelled.
Due to continued slick road conditions there will be an E-Learning Day on 1/8/2025. If your student needs to pick up a Chromebook, the school will be open today from 3:00-5:15. Thank you.
Due to ice and snow covered roads, plus cold temperatures. We will have an E-Learning day Tuesday 1/7/2025. Please utilize prepared packets, check Rooms, and Google. Stay safe!
Good morning, in anticipation for the potential for bad weather, we will open the school today (1/4) from 2-3 pm. K-2 parents should check rooms (Odin App), 3rd-5th parents please come to pick up "just in case" packets. If your student needs to pick up a Chromebook or some books from their locker, please come up to the school during that time. We will keep everyone posted as we have more information. Thank you and let us know if you have any questions.
Our junior high cheer team will be putting on a camp on January 19th from 1-3. The cost is $30 and the cheerleaders will perform at the game on the 23rd.
When: January 19, 2025
Who: Grades PreK-4th Grade
Time: 1pm-3pm
Where: Odin School
Price: $30
Thank you!
The junior high cheer team will once again be putting on a soup dinner before the game on January 23rd from 4:30-6:30. Please come out to support the junior high snowball dance!
REMINDER : Today is an 11:30 dismissal day as we begin Christmas Break. Pre-k will be dismissed at 11:00. K-12 will be dismissed at 11:30. School will resume for students on January 7, 2025. Have a happy and safe holiday break!
Mrs. Rohrscheib's First Grade Class completed a unit on Gingerbread Men and created their own gingerbread houses, today!
Congratulations to the winners of the 25 point lunch for Accelerated Reader! Thanks to Mrs. Ellis and Mrs. Mills for getting this reward organized for our students. Great work students!
There are still Odin Eagle blankets available! Email Mrs. Radtke at to purchase yours today!
REMINDER : Today is a 2:15 dismissal day as high school continue semester exams. Pre-k will be dismissed at 1:45. K-12 will be dismissed at 2:15.
Thank you to everyone who support the junior class fundraiser! Ms. Thoms was the winner of the basket raffle! Congratulations Ms. Thoms and we hope you all enjoy your candles and fragrance products!
REMINDER : Today is our Wednesday 2:15 dismissal day. Pre-k will be dismissed at 1:45. K-12 will be dismissed at 2:15.
Reminder: The Pre-K Christmas program will be held tomorrow, December 18th at 1pm. Doors will open at 12:45. K-5th grades will have their Christmas program at 6pm. Doors will open at 5:30.
Pizza, Soda, and social studies review! It doesnt get much better than that!
Come hear our elementary students ring in the season with songs and instruments! With a mix of new songs and old classics, you'll swing your way into a jazzy holiday.
There will be a JrH Boys Basketball game tomorrow (Tuesday) night at 6:00p at Hoffman Trinity
Lutheran (co op). Bus will leave at 5:00p
Student Council would like to say Thank You to all of our support and donations for Homecoming!
Tomorrow Breakfast with Santa is going on at Odin Fire Station 8:30-10:30. This is for PreK-5th students that attend Odin School. There will be pancakes, sausage, and biscuits and gravy.