COVID-19 Letter to Parents, Staff, and Families

Dear Parents, School District Staff and Families:

We are writing to you because we value the health and well-being of our students, staff and families. As you are aware, there are confirmed cases of COVID-19 (coronavirus) and deaths the United States. We are not aware of any confirmed cases in our local community or schools.

We are planning for the worst, but hoping for the best. If an extended closure becomes necessary, Odin Public School District plans to use eLearning to continue the educational process unless otherwise directed by ISBE. We are asking parents to begin making preparations in the event of an extended school closure. Please begin planning alternate childcare and eLearning arrangements. If your child does not have internet access please notify the school to make arrangements in advance. If you have internet access at home, and need to check out a chromebook from the school, parents may call the school at 775-8266 to set up a time to pick one up.

In the event that school is canceled next week, teachers are sending homework packets for students to complete. Parents please communicate with teachers daily (between 9:00 AM and 10:00 AM) via school email; remind app, Dojo, etc. Teachers will be taking daily attendance.

If you have not already downloaded the Odin Eagles App, please do so. The app and website will be updated as information becomes available regarding closures and cancelations.


Sam Alli, Principal